Install openbalena

Install open balena

  1. Unzip deployment-openbalena-installation-<version>.zip

  2. Load the docker containers:

    docker load -i deployment-openbalena-installation-images-master.tar.gz
  3. Move the open-balena folder to its destination:

    rsync -avh open-balena/ /opt/aivero/open-balena/ --exclude=".env"
  4. Clear out a potentially old config:

    echo "" > /opt/aivero/open-balena/.env
  5. Export the basic config for open balena:

     export DNS_TLD=openbalena.aivero.lan && \
     export ROOT_CA="$(cat /opt/aivero/ds/self-signed-certs/certs/rootCA.pem | openssl base64 -A)" && \
     export HAPROXY_KEY="$(cat /opt/aivero/ds/self-signed-certs/keys/cert-key.pem | openssl base64 -A)" && \
     export HAPROXY_CRT="$(cat /opt/aivero/ds/self-signed-certs/certs/cert.pem | openssl base64 -A)" 
  6. Start the airgapped (ag) openbalena variant:

    (cd /opt/aivero/open-balena && make agup)
  7. Take note of the SUPERUSER_PASSWORD and export it to your profile

    echo 'export SUPERUSER_PASSWORD=<password from above>'  >> ~/.bashrc
  8. Now export it for the current session (just needed this one time)

    source ~/.bashrc



Check these:

  • Check for any (unhealthy) stati. This will change over time, when everything is good press Ctrl+c

    (cd /opt/aivero/open-balena && watch docker compose -f docker-compose-airgapped.yml ps)

    The minio will report unhealthy. This is a know issue, but does not block anything.

What’s Next

Now we will install the Balena CLI